If this is a 2 week check you can expect a 15 min chat to see how you have been getting on with the products plus a 30 min LED treatment. This allows me to be sure you are seeing some changes and your skin is happy with the products you are trialling. I will only advise this 2nd treatment if I feel I need to see your skin sooner than 4 weeks. I will only charge you for the LED treatment £30.00.
Further Treatments:
I may request to see you every month to treat your skin or depending on your skin and the reason you have come to see me; I may only need to see you every 6-8 weeks.
Why monthly treatments:
Monthly treatments are the most effective way to achieve results and for you to see a change in your skin. Within 4 months (that is 4 treatments) you can expect your skin to be different. Depending on the severity of your concerns, result may vary. I understand not everyone has the time nor the financial resources to commit. I am more than happy to work out a treatment plan to work together with your lifestyle and your pocket.
If you have any specific questions or if there's anything you'd like to know or discuss regarding Corneotherapy or Dermaviduals, feel free to ask me!
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