Discover a new way to look younger everyday with Yoga Your Face

Hi, I'm Carla

I am a facial fitness expert and I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery. A journey for your face and your whole being.

Face Yoga is a discipline .  It is a series of movements and exercises for your face, carefully combined to lift and tone the face muscles helping you to reduce facial lines, wrinkles, sags and bags as well as to relax your mind and body.

I also teach people how to use Facial Cups, Gua Sha for their face and Inter-oral massage to release tension from the face.

Everything in our bodies is connected.  If you have tension in one part of your body, it can reflect onto the face. 

For this reason Face Yoga is a whole body experience where we look at what is causing the issue you would like to address.

Feel free to email if you have any questions or better still, book a Free Taster Session for a relaxed chat about the items I have mentioned above..

We all have our insecurities, and with the help of Face Yoga, we can combat them together.


Start your journey to healthy glowing skin today

Book your face yoga session today

People Say the Nicest Things

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If you have any questions about Face Yoga, The Face Yoga Method or any of my other therapies, please get in touch today, I will be very happy to help

Carla Donatelli

Yoga Your Face

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